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How you can help someone who is grieving during this time of Coronavirus (COVID-19) 
Sue Ryder research A Better Grief (March 2019) reveals that, as a nation, we have a big issue talking about death – with half of us saying we would be scared of saying the wrong thing to someone recently bereaved. 
The charity states that “Avoiding the subject out of embarrassment is often the worst thing you can do. We want to support the idea of ‘compassionate communities’, empowering everybody to feel they can help, rather than assuming it is the preserve of health professionals. The one thing most people who have suffered a bereavement want is to talk about their loved ones and keep their memory alive.” 
This is a strange and distressing time to be grieving and isolated, being bereaved can be one of the most lonely experiences you or someone you love may go through. Talking with friends and family, can be one of the most helpful ways to cope after someone close to us dies. 
This isolation can make feelings of loneliness and grief much more intense. Someone who is grieving may have lost a partner, parent or carer and may have been left without practical or emotional support at a time when they need it most. 
So how can you help someone who is grieving during this time of coronavirus (COVID-19)? 
One of the best ways you can help is to stay in contact more, either by phone, text or video conference call, especially if they are on their own. Encourage them to talk about how they are feeling and about the person who has died. Sharing memories of a loved one is a helpful way for someone to process their grief. There may be tears but there may be laughter too. want to go over the events leading up to the death, sometimes many times. They may want to talk about the person and tell you stories. This may not be so easy for you to hear but just being there for someone can be a great comfort. 
Share your condolences, say how sorry you are that their friend or relative has died. Share your thoughts about the person who died (if appropriate), tell your friend or relative how much the person will be missed and that you are thinking of them. Remind them that you are there for them, as much as you can be. Sending a card, text or email can mean the world. 
Offer practical help too. Rather than just saying, ‘Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help..’, give suggestions such as, ‘Would you like me to do your shopping, walk the dog, lend you a book, do some gardening etc….?’ 
Though you won’t be able to fix someone’s pain, by just talking, listening and offering help, you will be making a difference to someone. We all need a little kindness right now 
For someone who needs further support, contact Cruse Helpline – 0808 808 1677 
I hope this information helps, please contact me if you have any further questions. Take care and stay safe. 
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